

Friday, August 27, 2010


Sekarang ni aku tengah layan cita ROCK arahan Mamat Khalid...Hurmm..cita ni memang betui2 mengimbas kembali kenangan aku di tepeng dulu...memang bukan exactly zaman 1980s la sebab time tu pon aku baru ja lahir tapi cita ROCK ni memang buat aku teringat pada time2 aku bergelumang dgn kawan2 yg ROCK...kawan2 yang layan heavy metal..konon2 cool habis aaa time ni..hahaha..tapi ni kembali pada tahun 2000-2004...time aku belasan tahun gitu...hehe.

Yang lagi menariknya, cita ROCK ni 80% penggambarannya kat Tepeng...almaklumla Tepeng kan bandar tertua kat Malaysia ni...So,nak hidupkan suasana rock ala2 1980s ni kena wat kat Tepeng sebab still banyak lagi bangunan2 fesyen lama kat Tepeng ni...

Jadi, sajalaaa aku nak bagitau yg cita ROCK ni ada sentimental value kepada aku....memang layan cita ni...kalau hampa tak layan cita ni aku takmau tau...sukati aku nak suka jugak cita ni...

~Poster filem ROCK~

~Dekat Stesen Keretapi Tepeng~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Worth Reading This Story~~

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the gem of their eyes. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for office so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen totally forgot the matter.

The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle fascinated by its color and drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned. She was terrified how to face her husband.

When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just five words.

1. What were the five words ?
2. What is the implication of this story?

The husband just said "I am with you Darling"

The husband's totally unexpected reaction is a proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would not have happened. No one is to be blamed. She had also lost her only child.. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.

If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take off all your envies, jealousies, forgiveness, selfishness, and fears . And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.


This story is really worth reading.
Sometimes we spend time in asking who is responsible or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we miss out something.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Fuhhh...Pejam Celik Pejam Celik...Ramadhan datang lagi....Tak sabar rasanya nak sambut Ramadhan...Plus, this year gonna be extra special sebab this year aku sambut bulan Ramadhan dgn beloved husband...
All this while, kami selalu wish yang kami boleh pegi Tarawikh sesama...sahur sesama...bukak posa sesama...and Alhamdulillah,syukur akhirnya, Ramadhan tahun ni our wish come true.
Walaupon, actually dah 5 tahun aku puasa dgn Faizul, tapi perasaan tu aku rasa lain this year...maybe sebab responsibility dah lain..dulu, time sahur mane laaa aku nak kisah faizul makan ke tak..kadang2 aku tak bangun sahur pon..if bangun pon, minum air masak then tido balik..haha..bujang laaa katakan...
But this year, everything's change. Obviously aku kena prepare for bukak puasa...masak utk sahur...bangun awal utk prepare sahur..Hurmm..NERVOUS aku dibuatnya...aku ni dah laaa liat nak bangun..hahaha...
Tapi, inilah tanggungjawab...We'll never know until we learn how to do it!
Belum lagi ada anak...For sure lagi besar tanggungjawab aku...Tapi, aku bersyukur kerana diberi peluang untuk memikul tanggungjawab ni...
Hurrmm...First puasa, hari kerja pulakk tu...taktau laaa nak masak ape...selalunya, first puasa ni, selera org time sahur besar...lama2 baru selera hilang time sahur...hehe...
Bagi aku, time sahur lagi sedap mkn nasik panas, ikan masin / telur masin, ulam2 and sambal belacan...fuhh..menyelerakan..tapi, laki aku???camna plak selera dia?
Hurrmm..takpa2...insyaallah, aku boleh kot bangun sahur and prepare everything utk suami aku..
Everything for your Bi..i love u..heheheheh...
Last but not least, Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..
(P/s:Saja nak bagitau, tema raya kami tahun ni kaler Oren...heheh..ikut family aku)

Dulu sorang....

Sekarang, berdua... (",(",)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Selamat Hari Lahir,Ayah

Harini,3hb August 2010.Genap umur ayah kesayangan aku 51thn.. Aku balik KL harini..pagi2 ayah dah pi sekolah.maklumla,ayahku seorg guru..ecehceh..
Aku pon decide dgn laki aku nak tunggu ayah balik rumah dulu barula aku bertolak balik KL..
So,tunggu punya tunggu ayah pon balik la..tapi sat ja.lepas dia mandi&solat,ayah kena rush pi mesyuarat plak kat Seratas..aku dgn laki aku pon salam ayah aku..aku cium tgn ayah aku sebelum dia pi mesyuarat..
Aku pon tgh dok siap2 nak balik KL.mak aku pon tanya,wish x kat ayah?harini besday dia...Aku termenung jap..patutla aku rasa mcm nak ckp sesuatu kat ayah tadi,tapi aku lupa nak ckp apa..rupanya aku lupa nak wish ayah aku..selalunya aku ingat..
Entah kenapa,aku rasa sayu..teringat satu per satu pengoranan ayah aku...dari aku kecik sampai la skarang..aku teringat pulak dosa2 aku kat ayah..banyak rasanya..Di saat ini,menitis air mata aku..xtau kenapa aku nak emo sgt..mungkin sebab aku dah nak balik KL kot..haha..
tapi aku cuma nak remind diri aku sendiri..supaya xkan pernah lupa walau sebesar zarah pengorbanan mak&ayah aku..aku belum pasti boleh ke aku jadi seorang ibu yg sempurna mcm mak ayah aku satu hari nanti..Terima kasih mak & ayah atas segalanya. "Selamat Hari Lahir,Ayah"

Monday, August 2, 2010

McD Taiping is not the same anymore...

Petang tadi aku keluar dgn husband aku cari kedai komputer...nak repair laptop adik aku ni...Bile dah settle, aku pon teringin nak makan McD buat kali terakhir before i'll go on diet..hehehe...tah berjaya ke tak laaa diet aku ni..hopefully berjaya laa ye...Back to McD story mory..

Husband aku pon tanya laaa kat mana ada McD??Aku pon dgn confidentnya jawab, kat area Tepeng Jaya tu Bi...aku pon bawaklaaa laki aku pi area Tepeng Jaya tu..Pastu bila dah sampai aku pon terkejut tgk dah takda McD kat situ...Tup.Tup.Baru aku teringat McD Tepeng dah pindah ke Tepeng Sentral....Aku pon dgn sadisnya,pi laaa kat Tepeng Sentral cari McD..

Tetiba tgh makan kat McD tepeng Sentral, aku pon teringat laaa zaman2 nostalgia masa McD still kat Tepeng Jaya..Waktu tu still skolah lagi...McD tu dekat dgn sekolah Convent aku,sometimes after habis ko-kurikulum hari Sabtu tu, aku pon pi laaa sana...(kiranya habis sosial la tu..haha.)Plus,dulu pon,if budak2 nak dating pon, it's either McD tepeng Jaya or KFC..haha...Boringg kan??tapi aku still rasa kesosialan kami tu best!hahaah...we olss takde disco as in satu2nya tempat we olss nak bersosial pon,maybe kat situ laa..haha!

Hurmm...Teringat plak time MIRC tgh dok famous..time tu laaa kitorg nak wat gathering laa apa la nak jumpa chatters2 secara,mesti kami buat kat McD Tepeng Jaya punya..

Kekadang aku teringat gak,aku selalu follow kawan aku, Wanie kuar dating dgn pakwe dia...time skolah dulu biasalaa....nak dating mesti bawak org ketiga punya...kalau tak bawak member, mesti bawak, aku ni selalu laaa jadi org ketiga tua2 panggil "Nuchleps=org ketiga ikut dating"...hahahah...Sampaikan time diorg gadoh pon aku tolong settle kan...

Hurrmm....teringat punya teringat time zaman McD kat Tepeng Jaya,habih satu burger aku....licin...hehehe...I look around and watch those youngsters hanging and lepaking kat area McD Tepeng Sentral ni...Dah tak mcm dulu....Plus, bilangan Mat+Minah Indon pon dah bertambah...So, dah hilang sedikit keaslian Tepeng ni..hahaha...

Apa2 pon, aku tetap suka McD Tepeng Jaya..Memang Best!!!!Tabik springg!
