

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tetiba Teringin Gila

Salam and Hi all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Friday sebelum aku balik kerja, colleague aku si Helmy tetiba ckp dgn aku, "Faten, ko jangan sedih2...Sabar and rileks k....Insyaallah if ada rezeki ko nanti, ko mesti pregnant punya..."

Aku pon tgk balik kat dia sambil berkata2 di dalam hati aku,"Budak Helmy ni awat tetiba ja dok ckp dgn aku pasal pregnancy ni???Aku tak penah ckp dgn dia pasai pregnancy ni..."

Tapi, politely, aku pon ckp la balik kat dia, "No worries derr....Aku pon dah takmo pikir2 dah bab2 pregnant ni or bab2 anak ni..Tutup buku dulu...If ada rezeki, baru bukak buku balik...."

Then, aku pon chow...And aku pon terasa mcm ada semangat baru...i feel so good!! Ewahhh.....Motif?? So, last Friday I've decided to just enjoy every moment in my life to the fullest, buat aktiviti2 menarik dgn husband aku and don't think too much about the baby thing....

And I live my life happilyyyyyyyy until......Sunday...Which that thoughts of not thinking about babies and pregnancy keeps bothering me again...Hampehhh! I live my life happily only on Friday and Saturday...

Why that thoughts bothers me on Sunday????

Sebabnya, aku and my husband ada pegi wedding kawan husband aku kat area Gombak.....Then, mcm besalaaa...husband aku berjumpa laaa kawan2 lama....Mostly dah kawen and "DAH ADA ANAK"....or "TGH PREGNANT"

So, both of us are surrounded by those kids, babies and pregnant wives! Ada la this 7 months old baby girl ni sangatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt cute and bam bam....

Jadinyaaaaaaa.....Aku geram gila kat baby tu...sebab dia nak kat aku....and my husband too....So, kitorang terasa mcm, Ya ALLAH...Bestnya kalau ada anak bam bam mcm ni.....Dah mula dah aku dok berfikir bila laaa turn aku nak dpt baby ni...Bila laaa turn aku nak pregnant ni....Phewwwwwwww......

And fikiran tu keep on bothering me till today....Oh my....Great! Thanks to that cute baby girl....Thanks dear baby.... (T_T)

So, harini mcm teringinnnnnnnnnnnnnn gilaaaaaa nak ada baby....Hahahaha...

Ok...tetiba aku terasa mcm entry aku ni bagi org meluat nak baca...

I know...Everybody will be like, "Hello u! you both just get married for about 3 years....Not that long....Not that you've been married for 10 years!!! Some other couples have been waiting for more than 10 years and they look so cool as ice....Rilekk je! Yang kami ni nak gelabah sgt pasaipa???"

But, do you guys really think that those 10 years couples without kids are really cool? are really happy with their life? I suggest you to think it all over again....Memang laaa ada happy couple yg sememangnya rilekssss ja 10 tahun kawin takdak anak....Tapi surely ada jugak couple yang pastinya sgt berharap utk ada anak...Kan?Kan?Kan?I dunno..U think....I've given a thought about this....

Oklah...Kalau nak biar aku membebel pasal pregnancy dgn babies ni sampai tahun depan pon tak habis2....So, I'll stop here....

Sampai sini saja and have a nice day all!
~Those 2 issues that keeps bothering me!~


Anonymous said...

hai mrs chot...
akk tejmpe link blog ni n bace...
i've been married for 6yrs..n xde baby lg (smpi penah tnya hsbn nk kawen lain x?)mule2 mmg stress, tp skrg ok je...kami xde prob ape pon..both of us normal..cume blom rzki kan..keep on trying dear =)

Unknown said...

Hi kak...Thanks for reading. :)
Tu laa..1st year mmg stress, 2nd year we started to accept the fate.. But nak masuk 3rd year ni, we both mmg mula fikir pasal benda lain pulak...It's just sometimes, tiba2 je fikiran pasal pregnancy and babies ni muncul...Tapi, tu la..Lama2 dah biasa..Insyaallah, nanti ada rezeki kita ye kak.....