

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Should I or Shouldn't I???

Ok. Sebelum baca aku nak nasihat kan hampa bahawa entry kalini is somehow a bit boring and more focus to my problem. related to health laaa...(sort of laaa)

Semalam aku ada appointment dgn Dr Marsita..Aku nak check kenapa tak period2 lagi...cuz risau gak if ada benda lain plak kan...Maklumlaa zaman skarang ni banyak penyakit yang pelik2...

So, Dr M pon check laa aku guna ultrasound as usual (ala2 test PapSmear tu...Adusss),nampaklaaa kecantikan rahim aku yg menebal dindingnya...but its empty inside...Huahua...Yang aku pelik & misterinya,mana pi darah period aku sedangkan kalau nak ikutkan haritu telur aku dah cukup matang and its either became a baby or period...Misteri kan?? Haha..(sorry,entry aku kalini sgt straight forward sbb aku nak bagi hampa faham apa masalah aku skang ni...hihi)

So, aku pon tanyalaaa Dr M what's happening inside me?? Okla, briefly aku mmg ada PCOS (Policystic Ovarian Syndrom). Secara amnya, PCOS ni ialah satu penyakit ketidaksuburan (kesian aku tak subur) yang menghantui kebanyakan kaum wanita tapi kita tak anggap benda ni serius sampai laa dah kawen, then susah nak pregnant baru laaa kelam kabut nak pi check dgn pakar O&G..(Mcm aku laaa)

Antara sindrom2 penyakit PCOS ni:-

1. Haid tidak teratur (which obviously me). haid tak teratur ni can be lewat dtg haid or darah haid yang berterusan.

2. Berat badan berlebihan (which obviously me jugak)

3. Jerawat tumbuh di muka (not so me)

4. Bulu2 lebih tumbuh di bahagian muka & badan (not so me jugak)

5. Keguguran rambut (It's me!me!me!)

So, sapa2 yang ada sindrom2 mcm ni, dinasihatkan pi laa jumpa pakar O&G awal2, so that masalah boleh dibendung dari awal.

PCOS ni ialah terdapatnya beberapa cyst yang kecik2 kat dlm ovari. Though the cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances. That's why semua org yang ada PCOS (mcm aku) susah nak pregnant. And people like us need helps from medication or sort of surgery (minor laa)...

So, siapa ckp pregnant ni SENANG? For women like me, getting pregnant is not that easy. Sapa2 yang senang2 pregnant tu, bersyukur lah sebab other women are trying extremely hard to get themselve pregnant. Seriously!

Anyways, sapa yang nak info lebih pasal PCOS ni, you can always google for "PCOS"... Nanti keluarlaa banyak articles pasal PCOS...

Ok..back to my story dgn Dr M...Bila DR M buat vagina ultrasound kat aku and found tat my womb is empty, she told me to give 1 week time to wait for my next circle of period. But if period aku tak keluar2 jugak by 10th January 2012, aku kena jumpak Dr M balik and do some other consultation or maybe some other medication procedure too laa...

After few seconds, Dr M gave us with another option where I have to undergo a minor surgery to trim my womb and clean off all the small cysts inside my ovary and do some other procedure to get rid of all the obstacles that may lead me to not getting pregnant. (Dr M ada ckp some other procedures tapi aku tak sempat nak catch up.Bahasa doktor kan.Paham2 je la)

So, aku pon tanya la..Kena hospitalize tak? Then dia ckp of course laa yang oii...I'll be admitted about 3 days and I'll be given MC for 6 weeks?? And I was like, "Whattttt?!!!! 6 weeks??!!" Mati aku...Tambah lagi 2 weeks, dah mcm org cuti beranak dah...

And Dr M ckp if I do the operation, my chances to get pregnant is high. Husband aku pon bila dah dgr Dr M ckp camtu, terus dia pandang muka aku angguk2 tandanya dia agree to let me go in for an operation. Anyways, Dr M ckp apa2 pon discuss dulu how and she said if buat surgery pon at least once for all. And ramai yg dah berjaya pregnant with this procedure....Fuhhhh...Aku ni tarik nafas panjang jugak laaaa...

Termenung laaa jugak aku sampai laaa ke harini...and it's not becoz of the minor surgery or the fee (yg ni insurance leh cover~Tada hal) yang aku risaukan....Tapi sebab MC tu lama sgt...6 weeks wei!!! Boleh ke bos aku tu???? (Jgn harap~)

Tapi, husband aku suruh aku buat jugak surgery ni....Hurm...

What say u? Bole bagi pendapat tak?

Wassalam and have a nice day peeps!


Anonymous said...

Buat isthikarah la if ko pn xpasti, tu lebih baik.

Unknown said...

Thank you "Anonymous"... Dr M pon ckp camtu..Will do...

thisisfarhana said...

weh, klu nak buang cyst tu, mcm kes kak aznen la weh...

Nuna said...

Faten, insyaAllah..truskn usaha...ak doakn hg....